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12 Things You Didn’t Know About Malware

Malware stands for malicious software, coded and intended to cause damage to the system where it embeds or copies itself. Malware relies on assistance through clicks or connected devices in order to wreak its intended havoc, which means that vigilance is a simple and important way to prevent malware infection and its disastrous results.

Nowadays, malware is commonly delivered through phishing emails with infected attachments. These can be incredibly difficult to spot, especially as hackers improve their social engineering tactics.

Here are 12 surprising things you may not have known about Malware:


Ransomware blocks or leaks access to data or your network unless a ransom is paid. It’s the most common form of attachment and can affect any size of organisation.


Also known as a distributed denial of service. DDoS is an attempt to make an online service unavailable by overwhelming and flooding it with traffic from multiple sources.

Security bug

A security bug introduces security vulnerabilities by compromising one or more of authentication of users and other entities.


Rootkit is a set of software tools that enable an unauthorised user to gain control of a computer system without being detected. A rootkit is not malware in the usual sense. Its specific capability lies in hiding files and processes from other applications as well as the operating system malware from virus scanners and security solutions


Worms are a parasite. A malicious software program whose primary function is to infect other computers while remaining active on infected systems.

Trojan Horse

Often disguised as legitimate software, users are tricked by social engineering into loading and executing the malware onto their system. Once activated, it’s straight access for the cyber-criminals into the system.